Wraparound Care

We offer both before and after school care from Nursery up to Year 6. The provision has been designed to be enjoyable for your child and flexible for you, and is available on a regular or ad-hoc basis. This means that children can attend different sessions on different days, and if there are last minute changes we will always do our very best to accommodate requests.

Our wraparound provision is run by our own staff, who are well-qualified and very experienced. Sessions are carefully supervised, and you can be assured that your child will be happy and well looked after.

As part of our after-school care, children enjoy a range of healthy snacks and drinks.

Before and After School Care

Before School

Before school we can offer wraparound care from 7.30 - 8.30am when the school day begins. This is under the supervision of teaching staff, and is held in classrooms so that children have access to appropriate resources.

After School

We also offer wraparound care until 6pm, either from the end of the school day or when a school club finishes. There is a wide range of clubs available each day.


After school clubs, which cater for different year groups throughout the week, usually run from 3.30 - 4.30pm and there is no additional charge unless otherwise stated.